
Monday, April 19, 2010

Naughty Negativities

"I just need somewhere to dump all my negativity "- Van Morrison

I had a very interesting conversation with one of my close friends this weekend and we have decided that all of these social networking websites are SO negative, with everyone moaning and groaning about everything under the sun its easy to slip into a negative rut. Half of the status updates that I read are either mocking individuals looks, personality and or how bad of a day they have had. We as a society give one another such a hard time, myself equally as guilty, I guess the older I get, the more I mature the more I appreciate the uniqueness in people and am ready for a little more love. So with that I've decided that I am going to give up on being negative and focus more on loving my family and friends for what and who they are which also includes the vices that they come with. Happy Monday Everyone = )

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