Happy Saturday it is absolutely beautiful here in Philadelphia this morning clear skies and much cooler temperatures. Hope you all take some time this weekend to kick back and relax ..
The temperature here in Philadelphia has FINALLY dropped. We have been in heat wave after heat wave for a couple of weeks. BUT today you can actually walk outside without instantly sweating. I have been trying to make a conscious effort bring more organic fruits, vegetables and meats into my house so today since the weather is so nice I am going to make a trip over to New Jersey to one of the Farmers Markets and OK I may stop by the Nordstroms that I will just happen to pass on the way..Im hoping to find some good fruits vegetables and fingers crossed some pretty flowers oh and maybe a steals at Nordies too!!
Looks like the two stylish Mom Nicole Richie and Christina A. spent a night out on the town leaving the kids at home and letting their hair down. I really love these snaps of the women, they are good Moms, young, fresh, having a good time and incredibly well dressed. Cheers to them!!!
Lately I have been really into having flowers in my house, it drives my Husband nuts and I can actually see him calculating in his head how much they cost ( he is a bit of a penny pincher ) But I just love them, they make a room so much cheerier and the scent is so nice!! Lately I have been especially fond of green hydrangeas, love, so so pretty!! I feel the happiness the flowers bring me is well worth the side ways glances I get from him when he arrives home from work, And secretly I think he appreciates them too, who does not love waking up and seeing gorgeous flowers in the bedroom or in their kitchen??
I thought I would share a picture Nicole Richie posted on her own personal blog that I can't stop staring at. The photo was taken in the Lobby of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel by Nicole herself..my favorite flowers in my favorite shade..
Last summer around this time before our wedding me and my Husband had our awesome photographer Emily Wren take some Engagement pictures of us at the Wildwood Boardwalk. I loved the idea of the bright colors all the games, and the cheesy spray paint shirts in my opinion thats what engagement sessions are about THE CHEESIER THE BETTER!!? Well my Husband caught a lot of flack about these engagement pictures from his friends needless to say he is very picky about which ones I use around the house. I still stand by my decision that being when we are older and look back at these we will smile and remember how much fun we had!!