
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day, such a fun day mostly because my favorite color {Pink} is all of over the place.Husband just left for a business trip { only for one day thankfully } to Virginia so we celebrated last night and this morning. He made me dinner and I made him delicious chocolate chip waffles for breakfast yummy! Yesterday we spent the entire day and when I say entire I mean 8 whole hours at the hospital for a Preparation for Child Birth Class. It was long but absolutely informative and helpful. I can now picture where I will be when I deliver my bundle of joy which may help my insomnia a little one less thing for me to obsess about. Speaking of bundle of Joy my girlfriend Bri sent out the sweetest most adorable Valentines Day card a picture of her Daughter Sienna sleeping peacefully in all of her fluffy pink and red Valentines Day Glory. If you note at the bottom of the card it reads " All Dressed Up in Love". I DO believe I have found my youngest fan!! She is absolutely adorable and I am sure when she is older will get such a kick out of this picture! Hope everyone has a lovely day and make sure to spoil yourself with somesweets = )

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