
Friday, February 25, 2011

They. Are. Not. Glamorous.

My Husband is out celebrating his Bday with his buddies and I just spent 20 minutes in my closet staring at my clothes..I miss my clothes, wine { read: anything with alcohol in it } and running { I even miss my running clothes }..but mostly my is a very VERY close second. I'm officially sick of my maternity clothing { If you want to even call black legging clothing } how do I say this well.... they. are. NOT. glamorous. Aren't the pictures below beautiful..I picture myself being like the women below once my little one is born..peeking into the stroller in a beautiful dress...I can dream right? I have decided that I am going to run a half marathon in the fall, I like goals and this goal is a sure way to get myself back into shape once my sweet nugget arrives. I am going to sign up before my due date because I am afraid it will be very easy to not stick to my goal { read: chicken out } once I get frazzled and busy with baby things..until then I will enjoy my time on the couch watching bad tv and eating..

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