I just finished reading this adorable book called Girls In White Dresses by Jennifer Close which is HYSTERICAL and so dead on, it also happens to be a National Bestseller { NBD}. If you ever have been in a friends wedding or been through the whirlwind of all your girlfriends getting married you will especially get a good kick out if it. It sort of reminded me a little bit of the hit show Girls on HBO which obviously is brilliant
Lastly Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Drukerman has been on my nightstand for a while which is odd because I normally fly thru books. I have been reading this one off and on between Kaels naps or I will take it with me when I go to the nail salon. I am reading it slowly because it is more of a information stlye book than a plunge thru novel. I started reading it last year when Kael was probably 11 months and put it down because truthfully it just was just too late to start implementing some of these methods on him but BOY do I wish I had read it before he was born. It is one womens take on how French women raise their children and why their children seem to behave some much better than American children. It is truly very interesting and definitely has me thinking about our societies take on " Hovering " parenting. I just saw on Good Morning America this morning that the author just came out with another book about parenting called Bebe Day by Day that I am going to snatch up and review next month!
I will look forward to these posts :)