
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cheers to an Amazing 2014

Happy New Year!! We are back in the full swing of things today after having Husband J home for 10 days and well we are all kinda blue to see him go back to work but energized for the new year! 2013 was a great year for our family obviously welcoming our sweet Pippa was the highlight.  I am a huge fan of yearly goals, ever since I was a little kid my Dad would have us all write goals on New Years Day and post them in our room as a reminder for the whole year. I like to call them goals instead of resolutions because I feel that those are always kinda broken. My goals this year are pretty straight forward. The first and most important to me is to continue to strive to be a loving present Mother and Wife, after all that is my full time job. The second is to carve out more time for myself even if that means going and sitting to drink a coffee and read a magazine once a week for an hour. I know when I give myself the time I deserve I am a better happier Mother and Wife. The third is to focus my energy on people who lift me up and want to see me do well. Between the two kids Husband J my siblings and myself I don't have a ton of extra time to feed my friendships so this year I want to do a better job putting my energy into my true friendships. Lastly I want to keep up with the blog a little better, this goes along the same lines as doing stuff for myself. I truly enjoy writing this and hope I do a better job making it a priority. I hope you guys all had a great Christmas and New Year!!

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