Welp its offical on Wednesday I turned the big 3-0 and I am actually feeling kinda awesome about it. I have been dreading this for a while - it isn't that 30 is that old or that it really meant much but I am bad with change and well I was feeling kinda comfortable in my 20's. Turning 30 for me really made me question my life in terms of how Im living it, the people in it, and what I could do in order to make it fuller especially as a stay at home Mom. Im sure you all are wondering how my dirty 30 slim down ended up and I will say it turned out pretty well. Am I in the best shape I have ever been in ? No. However I at one point I was a division 1 college Athlete so I am not sure if that was a fair goal to set for myself as a now stay at home mom who watches Doc Mcstuffin on repeat and attempts to ignore the goldfish speaking to me from my sons plate. However I am at a great weight and my pre baby clothing is fitting nicely so I am happy but still working to tone up more. Since we already did a big celebration for my birthday two weeks ago Wednesday was low key spent with my three favorite people a run to get cupcakes and Husband J making me dinner. Overall it was the perfect day I couldn't have felt more blessed to have all that I have in my life.
Happy Birthday My Love! Enjoy your mommy alone time with tea :)