
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

At least its Tuesday!!! It was a big bummer when Husband J left for work this am after a long weekend of fun. BUT at least its a short week. It is really short week for me, I leave Friday early early to go to Philadelphia with the kids to start our 2.5 week vacation down in Avalon, NJ. We have a lot of wedding festivities down there in the next couple of weeks and instead of bringing the kids back and forth up and down 95 I am staying at my Husbands family beach house for the two weeks. Husband J will unfortunately have to come back to Northern VA for work but my Mother in Law, best friend Allie and sister will be in and out throughout the two weeks so I will have tons of help and entertainment. Before that starts though I am having my first night away from Pippa for a bachelorette weekend. I am very excited but a little but nervous because I am still nursing her 4 times a day and she doesn't love drinking from cups but maybe this is the trick to get her to do so. Husband J keeps assuring me that it is only a little over 24 hours that I will be away from her but I can't help but worry a little. Im sure once I have my first margarita in me the worry will ease a little bit. 

This past weekend was great Husband J asked me to put my phone away and just enjoy each other for the weekend which I will say was a great idea. We spent a lot of time at the community pool that opened this weekend, went to church, played at the park, used our grill, played with my sister and my nephew Gavin and enjoyed all the sunshine. Sunday afternoon I got back on my phone and realized how nice it was to not use it for a day I didn't miss it and felt less distracted and was MUCH more present and patient with the kids. It is definitely something I think I need to do more often. Here are some pictures from our weekend 

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