My skin does not look this fresh and Im pretty sure she is just leaving the gym..
So I started by getting a cute makeup bag from Nordstrom thats important right a step in the right direction!
Now the hard part that I am kinda stuck on what makeup do I put in it ? My girlfriend Amy told me about " BB" cream so I went to get some and I got the wrong color for my skin. This is the story of my makeup life and the reason why I always end up discouraged and not wearing any. So I think I may end up being that girl at the makeup counter at Nordstrom having her makeup done for free and buying whatever they use on my face?? My main focus is the BAGS under my eyes I am just tired people and that is not going anywhere for a while especially with another baby coming soon so I need to find a way to hide it!
I found this little chart on Pinterest and really liked it because since I dont really know what I am doing with the makeup I dont want to spend a ton of money on stuff and then get home and find out it is the wrong color for my skin
Supposedly this stuff above is great for under eye circles, we shall see. I am going to try out some of these products and report back to which ones I like and dont like. I MAY even doing some pictures of myself to show you how it looks...hope you guys have a good Wednesday!!